The source of the Ukrainian Big Bang

Falling from the clouds Ukraine invaded. Popular stupefaction in the West. How can such a coup de force still occur at the door of one’s home, when each risk seems immediately dissected by the information networks, then stuck in a series of countermeasures that make any radical action impossible? The West today lives in this … Read more

Lessons to be learned from the 3rd referendum

About radicalization By radicalizing, everyone creates the same opposite radical in front of themselves.” This maxim is repeatedly verified. An Algerian comedian drew an Islamist extremist marching with a ‘Vote Trump’ sign. Indeed, populists such as Trump or Zemmour play into the hands of opposing radicals, to the detriment of moderates. Similarly, among the Caledonian … Read more

What is the difference between participatory democracy and anarchy?

Democracy seemed to be a mature institution, only requiring more fluidity in its decision-making levels. Here it is contested. The citizen reacts to the drastic reduction of its importance by refusing to comply with the instructions of the collective. This movement has different facets: rejection of legislation, of the general order, groupism, wokism. Philosophically it … Read more

Minorities: assimilation or isolation?

The debate on the integration of cultural minorities, revived by Zemmour’s integral assimilationism, is an avatar of the perpetual struggle between the individual and the collective. Conflict that resides within oneself. Me and the Whole. When ‘I’ resembles all the others, we take the side of the All and vilify the egocentrism of the recalcitrant. … Read more

Has the contemporary left become completely left?

Tribune on the referendum for independence in New Caledonia. I am not politicized. If I were, I would call myself a centrist. Not an undecided centrist between right and left. Vigorously adept of living together, of the pre-eminence of the collective over our individual desires. Extreme centrist in this rejection of the caricatural egotisms brandished … Read more